Anaheart Inspiration

Anaheart is taken from Anahata meaning the Heart Chakra. It is the energy center of open heart and unconditional love, this being the essence of true healing. Anaheart came into being in the late 1980's, it was pure inspiration and insight that came as part of Glenyss Bourne's personal journey (founder of Anaheart).
Flower Essences

Reiki and Yoga were the ancient systems of healing and self awakening that initially inspired Glenyss; this led to an awareness of and understanding and knowledge of healing systems that took Glenyss to her study of Flower Essences. Flower Essence healing became Glenyss's passion, she believed she had found her calling and was surprised when an idea came to her one night and she found herself painting an Angel.
Angel Paintings

Glenyss became at one with the Angels as Angel after Angel appeared to her and miraculously she was able to document this through her Angel Artwork—soon she had a Host of Angels and as if in a dream they spoke to her offering words of wisdom, now documented in her book Sacred Wisdom, and gave Angelic insights into her work with
Flower Essences.

Her Angels are now produced digitally and have been her inspiration for her first book
Sacred Wisdom.
A unique and complete system of healing, flower essences and angel inspiration, the divine and sacred offering that created Anaheart was made known.
Glenyss Bourne is a well known Spiritual Artist, author Reiki Master Flower Essence Practitioner and Energy Healer. She is known to many as “The Angel Lady” or “The Angel Whisperer”.
Many clairvoyants who have seen her artwork have confirmed that what she paints is the closest to the real Amgels as it is humanly possible to achieve.
Words alone cannot describe the feelings and inner knowings that you experience when you encounter an Angel. Read more about Glenyss’s story “Follow Your Dreams and Never Give Up!“
©Glenyss Bourne 2000